Thursday 28 January 2010

Stop Press


  1. That looks like me in the background, wearing the green shirt.

  2. If that's so Shilpi wants to know who's the busty blonde that you are taking to?

  3. Thy fan following on the interwebs grows, Roy! :)

    Do/did your cartoons appear in any UK newspaper, btw?

  4. Sorry, I should have known! :) I clicked on your website and have now learned all. My apologies for the stupid question.

  5. Thanks for your comments, Siddhu.

    No UK newspapers currently use work from freelance cartoonists although many did in the past. Most of my work these days comes via the web although I am published regularly in an Italian newspaper. So it wasn't a stupid question.

  6. Thanks, Roy. :)

    Just out of curiosity again (yes, I'm that sort of chap - I was the annoying brat in the front row at school whom everybody hated), do you/did you do political satire?
